Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Convert Amp Hours to Watts

Amp Hours Converted to Watts

You can get good estimates of your electrical use from the Ah readings: To recharge my Force
(nominally 12Vx13 batteries = 156V) by 30 Ah requires E=156V*30Ah=4.68 kWh of
energy. Since the Zivan charger is 85% efficient it requires 4.68/0.85=5.5kWh
of electrical energy from my house to recharge. Multiply by your cost of
electricity per kWh.

lithium LiFePO4 - the best batteries on the market for electric vehicles.


Formatting test

This is H1

This is H2

This is H3

This is H4

This is H5
This is H6
this is fixed with Text and it should all be the same size with even spacing between the words.

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